EA online – you shall not Pass

Thanks Gandalf you grey wizard you

Thanks Gandalf you grey wizard you

A lot of the big Games companies have, over the last few years used online passes to allow people to unlock content. Online multiplayer is a main one. The things you would assume you would get with splashing out for the game in the first place especially when the multiplayer online aspect of things is heavily promoted and shoved in our faces.

Online Multiplayer look at it...LOOK AT IT

Online Multiplayer look at it…LOOK AT IT

Granted yes if you buy the game new you get the pass but why should we be punished if we buy a preowned game? I still own the game, its mine all mine and  we should have access to all of the content that comes with it and not have to give more money to the publisher and feeling trapped and only being able to buy new games despite the expensive prices. Fifa is a prime example. For most people the online part is the best part sure we all want to be Messi but nothing is quite like beating your friend with a 90th minutes cheeky header. But the price doesn’t drop with age  so £40 is the price you’ll need to pay to enjoy that feeling and if you spend less on the game you had to buy the pass.Buying the game new every year is expensive and I have grown attached to my Kidneys which i would unfortunately need to sell to keep up to date.

YU-GI-OH. This is just funny

YU-GI-OH. This is just funny

However, Recently EA have decided to get rid of there Online pass requirements. Yes! A win for gamers everywhere, sing a song dance rejoice. EA were one of the worst culprits and now perhaps  they are finally happy with making all the money they make from poorly made games.

Maybe they heard about what Xbox was doing before the rest of us and got out quick to look good like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. But they wouldn’t do that… would they? probably. It would be very harsh on gamers to hit them twice. Paying for an online pass from EA and then to Microsoft. Or maybe they care about us and really did listen to gamers being unhappy. 

' we'll wait till the customers come' EA

‘ we’ll wait till the customers come’ EA

Hopefully the other publishers that employ the silly notion of online passes will look at EA as a forerunner and also drop the Online pass and stop restricting the content which we should get when we buy the game regardless of how we buy them.


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