Sexy sexy games Part 1 women in games and gaming

In the world of gaming women are not held in very high regard. They are usually weak, clingy, useless individuals who need a man around to make sure they are ok, ..didums. Oh and why they are doing this they have to have their boobs bouncing around free and wild and their arse out way way out.

Equality? NO! I want boobs! and bums.. and and legs..mmm wait what was I doing?

There is a serious lack of strong female characters in games and I am not entirely sure why. In certain situations It would be refreshing to face the generic issues felt in games but from the perspective of a strong female lead, going beyond simply oi oi big man can you help me. They have an emotional spectrum a game could delve into and develop. moving beyond just shes got tits, Lets try and get them to jiggle. Games like dead or alive or Soulcalibur though they cannot perhaps have the depth of story could have concentrated more on fighting mechanics and graphics, and less on realistic boob jiggly wiggly.

Don't Objectify me

Don’t Objectify me

If we take the last of us for example, The game looks like it will be great, but that is because of the story it is telling and how immersed you will become with the characters. But would the story be as great if the roles were reversed and it was a female lead looking after a boy? yes, I think so probably better, you can develop both a man’s and woman’s story on an emotional level but with the women she would have lost a child she had, making the connection stronger. And being a woman, she would face physical issues that would make the game feel different, in a great new way. And all of this possible with out the fleeting hope of some CGI Nipple. But no we men  who dominate the industry ( supposedly)  want to control a man and look at women and there in lies the problem female characters have become something for male players to look at to lust over not to understand or feel for. Even Lara croft a strong heroine was eventually just taken to.. look how realistic her boobs are now… I mean….



Armour? that’s like so last season

Women in games are not only set apart by the stories they are allowed to tell but also by what they are allowed to wear which nothing! woo yeah spring break yeah!!. ahem. in games where there are female characters they tend to not wear very little. The reason for this? sexy woman on things sell and men like tits and bums and the insinuation that something is sex driven. the bouncier the better.

PSP you're playing it wrong

PSP, you’re playing it wrong

it makes no sense in the game world that if I wear full metal armour I get better protection, but a metal bikini and thing does the same thing, unless every one is striking her in the boob. Now I like the female form as much as the next licensed hetero but cmon people.. they are not even real. Its  that simple.

I have this tight but I don'y know i still feel a little exposed.. hmm ah well

I have this tiger but, I don’t know, I still feel a little…. exposed.. hmm ah well

Despite the fact that there are quite a few gamer girls out there who I am sure would like to control a character they could look up to… nope.. Bums for them… Bums for all. Could it be argued the males characters are there for them… hmm that will be in Part 2. While gamer girls are tthe subject I would like to point that the industry has even turned them into objects. Men are depicted as fat, cheeseball eating lonely men, and women play games in their underwear.. that might be true, I too enjoy a game in my boxers but If I had to go out on a limb? Gonna guess that most of them wear clothes.

Just look at that.. they don't even have any chairs.. jeez

Just look at that.. they don’t even have any chairs.. jeez


overall, its clear that games are made for men by men despite the large female voice in the industry. Some female characters are great, Elizabeth from bioshock infinate, Hell even Jill valentine was a heroine who didn’t have much out. Games like Dead or alive beach volley ball only serve to bring down the industry standards, it wouldn’t be ok in the world so why should be it be OK in games? Movies are bad too and Comics are


When the industry finally realises that women play games too and they are an important demographic and we move away from just boobs holding pads then as an industry we can grow and develop. I would like to finally point out again that I like women as much as the next red blood straight man but we shouldn’t as an industry degrade and objectify women. Lets be better than that.


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