Game Graphics – Hey there good looking

Graphics and how smooth a face can look and how realistic a wall is has been a large selling point for consoles for a good while. Nintendo Boasted about how powerful the N64 was compared with the Playstation, The Xbox did the same over the Playstation 2 ( Wait a minute.. Playstation..) and now Sony believe that the PS4 will have superior graphics to its rival the Xboxone. But are graphics really so important that they should be used as a reason for us to part with our cold hard cash? or are other things more important when it comes to consoles and the games we play on them?

Just the one console for me thanks mehehe

Graphics you so have another £320

My god, Its so real!

Graphics have been getting better for years. The smoothest faces guns, bums boobs and arms the gaming world has ever seen. The realism of the graphics allows the all important immersion of games, a sense of fear in horror games that perhaps couldn’t  be reached with a pixely face.

Don't Objectify me

Graphics making CGI boobs as real as possible

But can somethings be too real? such an emphasis is placed on how things looks that detail on how it plays and the story it tells can sometimes be lost. Sometimes it is pulled off games like L.A Noire were beautiful games and told a brilliant story. Some of the best games that there have ever been came from a time when consoles only had 8 pixels to play with 8! a ridiculously small number of pixles. Ha.

What makes the one on the right ant better? Same game play... Nintendo..

What makes the one on the right ant better? Same game play… Nintendo..

If I’m honest I feel as though graphics have really got as good as they can really be. How smooth can we really make the floor the next uncharted or Halo?. Developers shouldn’t be thinking oo yay now I can finally make that big shiny building I’ve always wanted, they should be thinking wow, I have all this power muhahaa whats the best thing I can do, story I can tell, experience I can give and then, make it look nice.

Next gen...Such Power!!!

Next gen…Such Power!!!

Its not the outside but the inside that counts.

An example where extra graphical oomph caused more harm than good was with Silent Hill.Silent Hill remains one of the best games ever created. It had depth of story character development, game play everything it really was a truly great game. One of the things that added to that atmosphere was the haze. The game had creepy glow of white, not allowing the player to see far into the game. This wasn’t done on purpose but because of graphical limitations, it added to the experience.

Fast forward to the Current gen remakes in HD and what we got was a similar experience but implanted in turd. it lost the haze and so some of the feel and wasn’t as good but the story was still great but no matter how hard you polish a turd, its still a turd.

So shiny you could forget it was shit.

So shiny you could forget it was shit.

Stories are the best part of games in my opinion. A game can make up for poor graphics by having a great story. Games like phoenix wright with low graphics are great because of  the story its immersion, with humor and challenge.

One of my favorite DS games and its a Gameboy colour port.....

One of my favorite DS games and its a Gameboy colour port…..

If a great story can be coupled with great graphics then fantastic and we get the Skyrims of the world beautiful stories mixed with emotion and depth like a pretty woman who has a personality, rare but when they are found you fall in Love. done wrong and you end up with something pretty but lacking spark .. get both wrong  and well  you have a hideous hideous beast of a thing that nightmares are made of.



Bioshock was slated because it looked dated but it is still one of the best games of 2013 Story was great, it had a great twist the game play was fun and face paced was an excellent piece if you haven’t play it.

Focus on the story but not completely on how good it looks, We are not that shallow. make something that has the narrative of a movie, with great game-play and if possible smooth graphics.Some of the greatest games, have been low res, Hell the Wii sold million and was the weakest graphically of the 3 consoles because it has a specializations that extra something beyond. If Sony,Microsoft and the developers themselves focus on these areas, then we as fans are on to something really special.


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