Backwards compatibility is just plain backwards

One of the big things with the next generation of consoles is that they wont be able to play the old generation. PS3 and Xbox games become as usefull as coasters. And to that I say so? Perhaps it is a good thing, allowing for a better experience.

I want my PS3 on my PS4 and i want it now!

Backwards compatibility was a fairly simple business back in the day of the ps2. The jump between the two was quite impressive, in terms of graphical ability and processing capabilities. The ps1 as iconic as it was, was basically powered by a hamster in a wheel.. and not a health hamster at that.

Works been hard since the PS2

Works been hard since the PS2

The PS2 on PS3 created a different problem. with better graphics on the PS3 and more processing power needed the PS2 had to basically be built with in the PS3.. meaning it was a game console and something you could use to Schwarzenegger out.

All this and just with a PS3

All this and just with a PS3

eventually PS3 lost this ability became slim and here we are. the PS3 payed a price for this however. Graphics were not as good as on Xbox to some people and games were quite jumpy. Despite having better graphical ability and greater processors they were split between PS2 and PS3 and that caused Sony to lose an edge. Well done Xbox well done. Also PS3 could play PS1 games.. why?…why

Even this guy doesn't know

Even this guy doesn’t know

I like my games so nerr

Now we have the next gen on the way so why would we not focus on that? in all seriousness we are unlikely to go back and play old ps3 games a year or so in to the life of the  ps4. Versions of the best games will come out online for your enjoyment. How often did you play ps2 games on your ps3 or miss xbox games on your xbox360? if you want to play games on your old consoles, keep your old console.

Me and my Xbox have been together a long time.. i'll never love another

Me and my Xbox have been together a long time.. i’ll never love another

By cutting this out both Microsoft and Sony have allowed for them selves to focus on moving forward and we will all benefit from it. Don’t look back, look forward. focus on great games that are coming not great games of old.


2 thoughts on “Backwards compatibility is just plain backwards

  1. Awesome work keep it up man. I always thought that backwards compatibility was kind of holding back console systems , and personally look forward to the future of gaming because of extra resources that could be used for graphical capabilites.

  2. Pingback: 5 Reasons Why Backwards Compatibility Is Needed -

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