Do we all just have our heads in the cloud?

Gaming is likely going to change with the launch of the new super consoles. the current generation tried to introduce the idea of game downloads but it never really took off ( as far as I am aware) prices for games were simply to high when compared with the ones you can buy in the shops and there simply were not enough deals going ti intise any one even give it a try. I downloaded Blood siren and it cause nothing but problems as I slowly filled up the space on my ps3 ( the orginal 60gb how it still works? Magic…) So is cloud gaming likely or are blu-rays still the future.

I like to own my games

one of the big things for me about owning a games console is that you can start to build a collection. It doesnt mean anything to any one else but it holds value to me. not disimlar to collecting pokemon cards as small child. However owning those cards on a Kindle wouldn’t exactly have the same oomf or impressiveness. plus how am I ment play and steal his cards? keep his kindle.. thats just silly…

Not as impresive, black and white and pixely on a screen

Not as impresive, black and white and pixely on a screen

Also with physical games you do have the option and the right to trade them. They are after all youes to di with as you please. You loose this ability with games that are being downloaded or streamed from the internet. you are stuck with it forever, Like a clingy friend that just wont leave you alone.

I'm staying and you cant get rid of me

I’m staying and you cant get rid of me

So games will have to get better? surely that is the case? If a game comes out and it is bad like shockingly bad like Lindsy Lohan bad then I can always take it back and trade it and feel less dirty. If however I pay £40 or even £50 for an awful game from online and im stuck with it well… many people will not be very happy.Also to download a game at a decent rate/speed  your internet connection will have to be pretty good, if you dont have that you might be waiting a long long tmie for a triple A title or even not be able to get it at all.

Has my game downloaded yet?

Has my game downloaded yet?

So physicals disks must win Right??

Straight from the cloud to your console to your face

Cloud gaming is instant and involves no movement.  Being bad for human kind in terms of fitness aside in terms of convience its wonderful a new game is relased and it can be streamed that day direct your console, No queues, No out of stocks, no sweaty people who smell getting as giddy as a school girl.

Beating you to the front of the line

Beating you to the front of the line

Another great feature is it that it open the way to Indie developeers due to the smaller cost associated with putting games out there to market. As it stands if you have an idea it has to be produced on a disk whihc is expensive so in realisty on the idea that a company  (overlord) thinks will make it money. Looking at platfoms such as the various App stores however shows that given a relax on financal constraints can result in a boom of good quality content and that could start coming thorugh on our next gen consoles.

A game that has gone from strength to strength. Would it have been so on a disk?

A game that has gone from strength to strength. Would it have been so on a disk?

I am not saying games will be 59p but they certainly shouldn’t be £19.99. Finally continuing with the idea of costing, PS4 games are set to be around £60 according to reports.. £60!! that is an insane amount of money for a game disk that wil last probabl all of 17-20 hours.. so the price will probably drop. But, as the cost of production is not asociated with downloads meaning we might be getting games at a far more reasonable rate.

Lets sum it up

Both platforms have good and bad, but I think with rising costs cloud gaming is a must. More and more deve,opeers are bring thnigs to the table that normally wouldnt have got a shot on a solely phyiscal platform and I  think this will do nothnig but benfit the industry. It does isolate people so perhaps it is a bit premature to cut disk out completly a combination of both? fairly priced games on blu-ray aswellas a store for indie dvelopers and Tripple A a like? One can but dream


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