Bugs….Damn Bugs

I recently decided to delve into my pocket and fork over some hard earned cash for the Last of Us. walking home I found my self in a content mood, excited to see what this game could offer. I placed it into my Playstation and suddenly the simple hum of the fans turned into a jet engine and my Playstation sounded like it was gearing up to fly me to an exotic land. It didn’t what it did do is turn off… Fantastic ( No pun) this is the only game it does it with, running smooth even with Bioshock infinite so, it leads me to think the game has a disgusting bug something wouldn’t have got as often on a good old fashioned Nintendo.OH NO NO…

Super for so many reasons

Super for so many reasons

Patch 9.01 fixing bugs given to you by patch 9

One of the main reasons old games didn’t have bugs in them is because there was no simple fix if one occurred. If Sonic had a universal bug which stopped the game, then simply they would not sell that game. Word of mouth would get out and that game would have made a terrible paper weight. To fix a bug they would have had to fix it and then reship a whole new game.

we had one bug..just one..

we had one bug..just one..

This of course is no longer the case. With the invention of the internet the need to be perfect is not critical. If a bug is spotted then a simple patch can be whizzed over the internet magic land and fix it for us hoorah!.. It does of course mean that you have to wait for that to be fixed… fine if its minor, like your character’s face collapsing, but if its major, like ‘I can no longer play this game so its now just a coaster’ then waiting for a patch is bothersome and costly given if just a little more time was spent on it then it could have been avoided.

Patches for all hahaha, Love the over lor.. I mean developers

Patches for all hahaha, Love the over lor.. I mean developers

Old father time is not on our side.

Another problem, comes from us as consumers and the world generally. We want things quickly, as quick as possible now isn’t quick enough we want it yesterday. so when a new game is mentioned we want, such is the rush to get it to us while we are at the peak of interest. and when that happens we get a game that is filled with bugs, errors and all kinds of problems.

Lurking in your game to ruin your day..like stepping in shit

Lurking in your game to ruin your day..like stepping in shit

Also to be considered is the higher level of competition that simple was not present a few years ago. There are many developers out there, creating new and intuitive concepts which if a competitor was to discover could copy, and bring to market first, making the new game not as good.

They're looking at our ideas...GETTT THEMMM

They’re looking at our ideas…GETTT THEMMM

So another rush begins, also some companies seem to be focusing onto many things at once focusing on several games at once, let us remember the words of Ron Swanson.


When the all seeing eye is spread thin problems slop through the cracks and that seems to be happening more and more often. though i do not see what has happened to naughty dog as they were focused on one game..maybe its my Playstation but all of my other games say otherwise.

Great I loose my ring and now my games have bugs.. what next my tower collapses...

Great I loose my ring and now my games have bugs.. what next my tower collapses…

There are numerous other reasons why Bugs in games occur and for the purpose of this blog have picked on just too, our want and the technology we have at our disposal have lead to a world where games that are half arsed get released. We should be using the new technology we have open to us to enhance an already great experience, not fix problems taking away from one.Also i would like to play my stupid game and this is balls. Also thanks Sony for making the playstation with poor thermal paste, I replaced that stuff and now my playstation is silent no more jetting off.. I still cant play but… I can hear again. <a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/10376481/?claim=79be79cbrdj”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


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