Its time to go back, back to the future… A tribute to Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto is one of the best game franchises to ever grace.. well anything. it was really that good. sure it had some flows in the early stages but even still it blossomed into something remarkable and with the advent of number 5 on the horizon I would like to take the opportunity to look at for me the big 3 games of the 7 so far. Grand theft auto 1,3 and the San Andreas. I love these games they way over shadow Saints Row.. even though that too is pretty freakin sweet. So lets go back, to the future.

Great scott look at the time... we've been playing for years.

Great scott look at the time… we’ve been playing for years.

Grand theft auto, number 1, numero uno the one that started it all. The game was something else. Sure having a top down view made driving impossible and there wasn’t any real point to what you were doing but my god has doing nothing ever been so much fun? running around an ( at the time) open world firing what looked like giant balls at people, herding marchers on train tracks and listening to someone called bubba bark orders at you to drive from one part of the city to the other for absolutely no reason other than for point… ah fun.

Alexandra Armstrong knew it.

Alexandra Armstrong knew it.

This game is a land mark because it hadn’t been attempted before, games up until this point had largely been quite scripted, following a set story. Grand theft auto was open and fun starting out life I believe ( but don’t quote me) as a racing game. GTA 2 built on the strengths and added a bit more structure but the biggest change was yet to come. This game then as it does now got a lot of stick for being violent but I’ve tackled that previously and if violence in the game is your bag… read that one after.


Several years on from the first game came GTA 3… that start of the big three ps2 games. This game kept all the open world fun of the first game, the ability to drive speedy cars and play the tough guy but added to big crucial elements. Firstly it came with a story. You needed the story in order to unlock all the parts of the map but ultimaty you could always if you wanted just drive,fly, sail or anything else you want but if you wanted to add a bit of direction you had the option. On a side note for a game where the main character didn’t speak, the story was gripping and interesting.

A man of few words... well no words

A man of few words… well no words

The second big thing GTA3 brought to the table was 3D. For the first time driving was possible with smashing into every car in the way, people were more realistic ( realistic blocks with block hands and block face but thats a step up from a ball with sausages sticking out) 3D was a great step forward for the franchise. It allowed for the development of the story, the way it was told and the gameplay and took and already pretty damn good game and made it one of the elite


The only truly pointless element was the money.. money you could barely used, for me it was a small link to the time when you got points but that is a minor minor problem a pimple on the gorgeous face of this game. What was coming ooooohhhhhhh buddy what was coming took all that other stuff and beat it, beat it like it owed it money.

GTA San Andreas is still probably the best GTA game that has ever been made. Its story was enjoyable and flowed and was a joy to play, the world huge and fun to roam around, A massive range of vehicles, side missions, extras and customisations I mean rockstar did an amazing job… Amazing.. there isn’t much to say about San andreas that isn’t amazing. any game where I can steal a jet pack fly it to my air strip and fly my own jet gets a thumbs up from me… great game…. thats all  if you haven’t play it you will not be disappointed if you are you don’t like games.. begone…begone I say .

Carlsberg don't do games but if they did, it would probably be the best game in the world ... and it would be this one

Carlsberg don’t do games but if they did, it would probably be the best game in the world … and it would be this one

Now we have 5 coming real soon and its shaping up to be one of the best games of this game console generation. After the decent but not amazing GTA 4, GTA 5  looks set to get back to old amazing ways and i hope all the rumours and things i’m hearing about map size, cars, graphics, story and all the little extras that I love gta 4 are true and I for one shall be queueing up for it on day of release. ( If of course my playstation can handle it )


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