Nintendo, Un-Hinged

Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo.. seem to be forever doing things that perplex the mind. The Game cube was a pretty dire console, they won’t let Mario or Zelda pass away in to the black yonder and they ( Like Sony) Continually reproduce their consoles  into smaller versions or bigger versions or shiner version, but Nintendo’s recent version of a re-launch takes the biscuit for what the shit ideas..

Ladies and Gentlemen…. The Nintendo 2DS….


I admit that I have fallen behind with Nintendo’s most recent handheld ..console? thing..block.. It is seemingly a low cost, 3d less, hingeless DS.

First things first, what it looks like. well its flat.. a flat DS an Ugly looking piece of kit. Its shaped like a wedge ( I assume so that it is slightly more user friendly than it looks) The word on the street is that it is target at the child market. The kids who are running around breaking the hinges on the current DS’S. That maybe the case but, surely the bigger problem is that it uses a touch screen that would require a certain amount of pressure before you just break the screen.. surely more of a problem than a dodgy hinge? I sure not many <7 year olds are ripping off the top part of a DS.

Angry Child

It will also be the cheaper of all the DS’s least it is priced as well as it looks.

I for one am very confused about what Nintendo are trying to do, fighting a war on two fronts. on the one hand they are trying to pioneer 3D gaming making things in 3D that didn’t need to be in 3D old games like zelda (shock) in 3D… and then on the other they come out with this gaming wedge… What are Nintendo doing?

Even this guy doesn't know

Even this guy doesn’t know

There isn’t much else to say on this really.. Nintendo come out with something new.. or maybe just leave it alone? still we have the real next gen to looking to look forward too and GTA V.. Happy gaming

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