Full Steam ahead

Steam facing up to the consoles. The consoles facing  steam gaming...Fight!!

Steam facing up to the consoles. The consoles facing steam gaming…Fight!!

Hello, hello hello one and all. I’m back. Its been a little over a month since my last post on here. various personal things have limited my ability to post things. But I am back now all guns a blazing.. pew pew. Recently (ish) Steam announced that they were going into the world of consoles..kinda… there are a lot of ish’s in this and I’m sorry(ish).


Operation SteamOS

So, the first step of the process for steam resulted in them creating there own operating system with a focus on playing games. My first point with this is the brilliant name they gave it, I would have truly liked to have been involved in that meeting. Hey bob we have this new Steam operating system what should we call it?.. Err… SteamOS?… Bob….you’re going places. Its great Idea in theory for those people who enjoy playing their games and it means that the service is dedicated, and dedicated is good. It is Linux based open sourced for personal coding, but, if it can be placed with in windows so you can effectively switch between it and good old windows then good good.



Realising that they have never been in the business of hardware steam have out sourced the designing of a physical little box to display the games to Nvidia, a decent move for them effectively giving someone else the cost of producing the box, with effectively free reign. It works by allowing you to stream games straight from your PC to your TV effectively turning your PC into a gaming console where ever it is in the house aslong as the wifi is strong. The design is open to Nvidia except with the control, when steam were strict with, it has no analog stick and instead deals with touch pads which I think were pretty cool.

Not as cool as me though.

Not as cool as me though.

Steaming ahead of the competition?

This console is looking to launch at a time when there is stiffer competition than ever. Both the PS4 and Xboxone are on the horizon and have been drumming up support for themselves respectively for months, both have long heritages in the console world and both would  be willing to spend spend spend to cut out this new competition.  Its not all doom and gloom for Steam though they do have one massive advantage over the other two companies, and that, is volume of games. During launch both the Xboxone and the PS4 will have maybe 4-5 games each and they wont be great  ( one maybe two will be) but the steam box comes with a catalogue of any and every game steam can offer, that about 3000+ titles right out of the box and steam are not exactly not known for having some awesome discount


The steam console will create a whole new realm of gaming for PC gamers. PC gaming went through a bit of a down swing but things seem to be on the rise…like steam…. I am not even sorry for the terrible pun. I however will stick with my consoles.

Rumble Feature


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