Games are not bad people, people are bad people.

Joe Biden said earlier this week that violent video games should be taxed and that this is ok. No Mr Biden it isn’t it makes about as much sense as giving a blind man a Picasso for Christmas.

Games don’t kill people, people kill people

First things first lets think about it. People have been doing violent things for a good while now. They have literally been hitting each other since we came out of the trees and started walking around in the grass 2.3million years ago.

I know, i'll use this club
I know, i’ll use this club

we have had wars and murders and kiss chase long before video games.  Ninja’s did not originate in japan because some one played splinter cell and decided to copy him back in the 15th century. There was  a post recently that I saw that compared killing in call of duty to rape as you have to overpower you opponent, no one could link these two things I thought and then this happened.

An  horrific incident  took place over in the US that involved Noah Crooks a 13 year old boy who attempted to rape and then killed his mother because she took away his version of Call of Duty. Now I’m sure an easy bond to make would be that he simply, played the game liked the bang bang parts didn’t like losing the game so went all crazy. However, his mother gave him the rifle as a present when he was 11 surely in itself an act of violence. The game doesn’t involve rape at all so that must have been from his own mind. You can’t blame games for sending people into fits of rage especially when they have age ratings. sports do similar things to many people but i’m not hearing for a ban on boxing or pool.

Will someone think of the children
Will someone think of the children

TV’s Books,Comics and other scary media

Games are not the only things out there that has an influence on the way society thinks and acts.Movies have been around long before the first video game and they depict violence are far more realistic scale you know using real people and stuff. Films like Sin city are violent mash ups of shooting beating stabbing slicing and all kinds of madness( and awesome) but people know they are made up, not real not and tell great stories.

What the hell happened to the Simpsons
What the hell happened to the Simpsons

Yet, someone commits a horrible act and its found out they played GTA and suddenly the cause is found? blame the game! kill it with fire!. Its easy that way we don’t have to look at how society treated them or what there home life was like, or what other media he liked to consume its quick, its easy and no one is defending the game. Back to my previous point above if an orphan read comics that doesn’t make him batman.

If someone plays GTA they do not become a jacking psychopath the people that do probably would have some other event cause a reaction.

Taxes get your taxes here

To tax a video game because it is violent would mean you would have to tax all the other media that is also violent. Sports, movies newspapers, the news, family arguments

Where did I put that game?
Where did I put that game?

it would be plain wrong to single out just video games for this punishment and that is what it is make no mistake. Also what ever happened to free speech? the ability to express ones views in any media they see free to do so with? Youtube lets us do it with video, Blogs like this let us do with writing so why should we not have that same freedom with our games? Naughty Biden, Naghty

I'm sorry
I’m sorry

So…erm thats a all folks

The debate over Violent video games will go on and on for as long as people are looking for a quick and easy thing to blame for horrific incidents. The people blaming the games themselves probably don’t play them as a hobby and do not mind if the industry is damaged because of blind allegations. Some violent acts in games probably will have an affect on young minds, but in those cases it is down to the parents to mediate and stop there children playing games in the same way that they wouldn’t ( or shouldn’t) let them watch 18 movies or look at porn. There are many games out there are non violent, that promote dance and driving and cooking and being a lawyer but I wonder if we will ever here ‘ Chef wins big thanks to  DS game Cooking, Mama’.
