Playstation 4 me

I recently gave in to my inner child and became the owner of the PlayStation 4. I walked into the store, chose two games, that online pass, dipped deep into my pocket paid and left. Set it up to my TV relegating the ps3 to the second port and got under way. Since then it’s been around a month, so I thought I would share my experience, and maybe help you to make a decision on if you should fork out your hard earned pounds.

An accurate representation of how the deal went down

An accurate representation of how the deal went down

Pretty, pretty

In my opinion there is quite a difference in the graphical quality of the games. I was massively sceptical before I took the plunge as to how much better the graphics could really be and I have to say, based on the early games I’m pretty impressed.

Games so pretty, you no longer need eyes

Games so pretty, you no longer need eyes

The screen shot comparisons do not do justice just how pretty things looks, how smooth they play just how good they feel. The jump from 720 – 1080 can be seen and all in all the games I have played look great and I am excited to see what Watch Dogs will look like, But I will be more interested in the re-mastering of the Last of Us a game which went to great lengths to look amazing on the PS3. I do hope there is more to it than the Tomb Raider update of slightly more hairier hair….

Tyrone Biggums gets it

Tyrone Biggums gets it

Beauty is only skin Deep.. yeah yeah yeah 


Game play wise, games to certainly seem smoother and faster. I haven’t experienced any lagging, jumping or any other unpleasantness while playing infamous Second son even with powers galore shooting around the screen like sonic on speed.

Games start up quicker than on the PS3 which is nice for a quick game of anything, and would probably be even faster if I used the stand by feature… Which I don’t because… I… I don’t know I just turn things off. In reality though it won’t feel all too different than the PS3. The controller feels odd at first, with its narrower grip and that strange smooth touch pad but you get used to it. You will however hit share when you want select I can Guarantee that.

R.I.P the simple select button

R.I.P the simple select button

If you are or were a PlayStation 3 kinda person you were no doubt quite happy that online for us was born free and were shocked and disappointed with the news that we would have to pay for the online services by way of the PS+ Subscription. I was.

But, I’m slowly coming around to the Idea that it might just have been the icing on the cake. Without the PS4 I wouldn’t have purchase a PS plus subscription I just didn’t see the point but since it was thrust upon me I have had the privilege of free games. And not bad games either, good games, games I was happy to play. Tomb raider, Payday2, Sly Racoon, Uncharted 3 and Bio shock Infinite…all for free as part of the subscription with new games every month.. Much Excite

is nice

is nice

Granted with every silver lining is a brown turdy one. These games are on the PS3, so I have been moved away from my PS4 onto my PS3 by the addition of Free-ish content. But it does give hope for what the PS4 may soon bring to the table



All in all I am Very happy with my purchase. Yes it was a lot of money and yes there are like 3 games. But it’s an investment in something I hope to have for many years. Hopefully. So if you’re on the fence, un sure what to do I say this. If you have the Money, and spending it won’t hurt you too much then take the plunge, enjoy what’s out there and grow with the console, keep your PS3 ( if you have one ) and Take advantage of the PS+ and all in all just have a good time.

This guy had a good time on his D**k

This guy had a good time on his D**k




And now the match scores. PlayStation 4 – Xbox 1

With the next generation of consoles on the horizon Sony looks set to release yet another console that millions of people will enjoy, that makes 4..4! nice round 4. 3 is no longer the magic number. Microsoft however has only really had 1 console in that same caliber the 360. The first Xbox was a huge ugly looking thing that boasted great graphics but for me entered the race to late to have an impact.

If Xbox was a person

If Xbox was a person

Now we have news of the Xboxone Microsoft’s launch into erm Console? TV? skype? PC? Rock? Table? I don’t know. so, sit back, grab a cuppa and read why I think the next Xbox is going to fall harder than a fat kid with lead boots…. holding another fat kid.

Wanna borrow my game? haha only joking I own an Xbox

One of the big things with the new Xbox is the fact that people need to register their games online when they are purchased and in that way it kind of becomes attached to the owner.

These aren't my glasses

These aren’t my glasses

so, if you toddle off to your friends house to shoot some nazi’s or to play some football you can,so long as you log in to your profile, but they cannot borrow your games oh no sir not with out having to again basically purchase the right to play the game. Ok I hear you cry we shouldn’t be borrowing from our friends and perhaps its a small issue but think about it on a larger scale. Lovefilm game lending is over, buying preowned games? over… game over man.

Love Film is annoying any way.. so thanks Xbox

Love Film is annoying any way.. so thanks Xbox

It seems as if Microsoft are targeting only the wealthy, the people who can afford new titles when they want and laugh at those of us who sit there playing demo’s as its all we can have. It also means when you are completed with the awful game you purchased and regret it you can’t even take it back to trade in.

No internet No prob… wait no sorry problem

Another strange thing Xbox is doing is having the console online 24/7 or at the very least it has to make one connection once a day. Well great. I’m sure it won’t effect many people who will be laughing and clicking and calling your mum fat over fiber optic on release day.


but what of the people who don’t have a great internet connection? maybe it breaks regularly maybe you just don’t have it. well if that happens you can still use you Xbox, it can be used as a coffee table or a foot rest or a door stop but not a game machine no no, that’s silly talk.

Watch TV on your XBOX!… But I own a TV...

Consoles are slowly becoming more entertainment centers and less gaming machines which is great a sign of the times an evolution of greatness. However, the new Xbox seems to be promoting an awful lot of TV features, watch sport, watch TV watch SPORTS or TV or SPORTS!!! YEAH SPORTS WOO. But thing is… I already own a TV. I must other wise I’ve brought an Xbox to look at and not much else and my TV already has TV shows and sports. so that selling point suddenly become moot not so much a selling point as useless feature like nipples on men.Further more if you own a smart TV then your TV can connect to facebook, youtube and all kinds of amazing things. Then why on earth would you turn on your TV ignore the facebook section turn on your Xbox to connect to facebook. Sony no doubt will be guilty of this too but that is equally useless.

There we have it, my three reasons why I think the Xboxone is balls and why Microsoft are being slightly if not very Penis like. If only for the removal of the ability to buy preowned games despite the fact that new games will be around the £45 mark. and that if you can’t get on the internet then you console is basically just a living room feature like a really bulky plant pot that can’t hold plants. For me Sony has gained the upper hand in this early battle. But there is a lot of time left for them to not totally balls it up.

